Questions to Ask a Doctor after a Car Accident Injury

Before talking to a Douglasville car accident lawyer, you need to be aware of the extent of your car accident injury and the recovery forecast. These are facts you can learn from your doctor. Finding out these aspects before your first appointment with an attorney will help them evaluate your damages and the overall merits of your case.

Make sure you discuss with the first doctor who treated you after a car crash the following aspects:

What Is the Nature of My Injuries?

When you file a car accident claim, one of the main things you must prove is causation. This means that you have to prove that your injuries were caused by the impact between your car and the other driver’s car.

Doctors are experienced in explaining the nature of various injuries. Contusions, whiplash, fractures, spine and head injuries and internal organ damage are all consistent with a sudden trauma caused by a car crash. By having the doctor’s opinion, your case becomes much stronger than if you rely only on your own version of the story.

What Is the ETA for My Recovery?

Both you and your attorney need to know how long it may take until your car accident injury heals. This information is necessary to evaluate various types of damages:

  • Medical care costs
  • Lost wages
  • Non-economic damages for pain and suffering based on the per diem method

At a certain point during your treatment, the doctor will also be able to tell you whether you will make a full and complete recovery or you may be left with a disability or impairment.

For instance, some back injuries may result in chronic pain. Others, which affect the spinal cord, may cause permanent paralysis.

your doctor will explain the prognosis of your injuries

What Kind of Treatment Will I Need?

Some car accident injuries will heal quickly, by applying dressing, taking painkillers and resting at home. These are fortunate situations. However, many car accident victims may require complex and long-term medical care involving:

  • Surgery
  • Seeing a specialist for specific injuries of the spine or brain
  • Taking prescription medication
  • Undergoing physical therapy

This type of medical care is often very expensive. This is why you must hurry up and hire an experienced Douglasville car accident lawyer as soon as possible to start preparing your claim. A skilled attorney will ensure that the at-fault driver’s insurance compensates you for your damages.

Will I Be Able to Return to Work?

One of the most important questions to ask your doctor refers to the ability to resume your regular job. Depending on the nature of your injuries, you may face one of the following outcomes:

  • You will return to your regular job
  • You may have to retrain for a different job
  • You will be unable to work in any capacity

Based on these outcomes, your attorney will evaluate future losses related to:

  • Loss of future earnings
  • Loss of earning capacity
  • Costs with nursing care

How Can I Get a Copy of My Medical Report?

Last but not least, remember to ask your doctor for a copy of your medical report. This report should contain:

  • The initial check-up immediately after the accident
  • Diagnostic tests
  • Consultation notes during each appointment
  • Hospital discharge summary

Bring Your Medical Records to an Experienced Douglasville Car Accident Lawyer!

Once your doctor says that you are out of danger, collect all the evidence about your car crash, including the medical records, and schedule an appointment with a skilled Douglasville car accident lawyer.

At Hartley, Rowe & Fowler, you will find a team of skilled attorneys, with extensive experience in handling the most challenging cases. We offer each new client a free case evaluation, so call us today at 678-825-6004!

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